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Vampire Strains

Vampires come in many varieties, and not all have the same powers and weaknesses. Whenever a vampire turns a mortal, that mortal becomes a vampire of the same sort as the turning vampire, with all the same strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, packs of vampires that 'descend' from a single vampire all share the same traits, but may not have much in common with other packs.

To create your own vampire strains, pick one power source:


This is by far the most common variety of vampire. Bloodsuckers gain the following traits:

  1.   Fangs: Vampires gain a Fangs natural attack. The Fangs deal 1d6 Piercing damage (modified by strength, as any melee weapon). Normally, they are concealed in the mouth, and impossible to notice without a thorough dental examination. As a free action, the Vampire can extend or retract the fangs, making them visible and revealing its identity.
  2.   Blood Drain: If a creature is killed by a vampire's bite attack, it becomes a Vampire in 1d100 hours after death. The GM should roll secretly. Each time a vampire wounds a creature with its fangs, the vampire gains a use of a Vampire Power (see below).

Soul Drainer:

  1.   Soul Drain: As a standard action, a vampire of this variety can attempt to drain another creature's soul. The target creature must be within one square for every point of spirit the vampire has. The vampire makes a charisma check, and deals that much morale damage to the target creature. The type is either fear, insanity, or untyped, depending on the vampire strain.
  2.   Soul Feed: Every time a creature within one square per point of spirit the vampire has takes a morale penalty from morale damage of the type that the vampire can deal with its soul drain ability, the vampire gains power. Only one vampire can gain feed on each morale penalty. If there are more than one vampires in range, they can either decide to allow another one to do it (a free action) or enter a test of spirit. The vampires make opposed spirit checks as a free instant action, the winner gets the power. In the event of a draw, neither do. Each feeding gives the vampire another use of a Vampire Power (see below). If a vampire uses Soul Feed on a creature that has already Broken, Panicked, Confused, etc. then the vampire drains the victim€s soul entirely. The poor target enters a Soul Coma, and the vampire gains 5 uses of Vampire Powers instead of one.

Universal Vampire Traits:

All vampires have these abilities:

  1.   +2 CR
  2.   Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Endurance
  3.   Vampires are also always Undead (see above)
  4.   Gains tags [Vampire]
  5.   Semi-living: Unlike other Undead, Vampires keep their Endurance score. They retain all the normal immunities for being nonliving, however.
  6.   Power Reserve : Every time a bloodsucker deals a wound with its fangs or a soul drainer feeds on psychic energy of others, the vampire gains a power use in its reserve. The vampire cannot store more than its level in ability uses. Every week, the reserve drops by one. If a vampire ever hits zero, it loses its +2 racial bonuses to strength, dexterity, and endurance. Every day, it has to make a Fortitude check (DC 10) or be Fatigued for that day. Two failures in a row results in the vampire being Shaken by pain the whole day. Ten failures in a row and the vampire is Disabled for that day as well. However, the vampire will never die from lack of feeding.
  7.   Mirrors: Vampires have no reflection in a mirrored surface, and don€t resolve on film or digital cameras.

Vampire Powers:

Then, pick any number of Vampire Powers. However, for each Vampire Power, a Vampire Weakness must be chosen.

Each time a vampire uses a vampire power, its power reserve drops by one. Unless otherwise specified, activating a vampire power is a free action.

  1.   Regenerate: The vampire heals one wound.
  2.   Ability Rush: The vampire boosts one ability score by +2 and gains a +1 bonus to all skill checks made with skills based on that stat. This ability lasts for one round.
  3.   Unnatural Haste: The vampire can act for an additional 2 seconds this turn. This uses two reserve power uses.
  4.   Shapeshift: Vampires can transform into a wolf or a bat. This ability uses one reserve power to activate, and one more to turn back into humanoid form.
  5.   Flight: Vampires can fly at half their land move speed. This ability uses one reserve power to activate, and for every hour of flight thereafter.
  6.   Suggestion: The vampire can be unnaturally persuasive. Upon using this ability, the vampire gets a +4 supernatural boost to Charisma. This ability uses one reserve power per Charisma check made.
  7.   Dominating Gaze:   [Requires Suggestion] A vampire with this ability can mentally dominate a creature by meeting its eyes. As a minor action, the vampire can attempt to destroy the will of the target creature. See the Dominate ability for more information.
  8.   Complete Domination:   [Requires Dominating Gaze] With this ability, the vampire can totally control another creature ... permanently. If the vampire manages to succeed using Dominating Gaze three days in a row on the same creature, that creature is permanently dominated by the vampire - sunrise does not help. The creature loses all sense of self, and gains the [soulless] type. A vampire can control a number of creatures equal to his ranks in Charisma.

For each vampire power the vamp has, choose one weakness:

  1.   Mirror Revulsion: Vampires with this weakness that see their own lack of reflection in the mirror  cannot use any Vampire powers for one round.
  2.   Holy Revulsion: Vampires with this weakness cannot use their vampire powers on holy ground. A creature carrying a holy symbol of its own faith, or, if the creature has no religion than any object that represents his or her beliefs or something the creature strongly believes in, in a prominent and clearly visible manner prevents the vampire from coming within one metre.
  3.   Church Bell Revulsion: A vampire with this weakness must return to its coffin immediately upon hearing churchbells ring.
  4.   Running Water: Vampires cannot use any vampire powers while submersed in Running water, or with a continual stream of water poured over them, or similar. Vampires cannot willingly cross Running water such as a river, although they can be carried across.
  5.   Running Water Demise   [Requires Running Water ] With this more powerful weakness, when the vampire is submersed in Running water for two continuous rounds, it disintegrates into dust. The vampire eventually reforms the same way as with the Sunlight Demise weakness (see below), except that generally the Running water will spread the dust around a river (or whatever) and could take a very long time to reform.
  6.   Running Water Destruction: [ Requires Running Water Demise] With this weakness, vampires that disintegrate into dust from Running Water Demise do not reform. Instead, they are destroyed.
  7.   Garlic: Vampires that come into contact with garlic are Shaken for as long as they are touching garlic and for one round after. Vampires that actually ingest garlic are treated as a human who just ingested an equivalent volume of Viper Poison in addition to being Shaken.
  8.   Sunlight Aversion: Vampires with this weakness are Shaken when exposed to direct natural sunlight.
  9.   UV Aversion:   [Requires Sunlight Aversion] Vampires with this weakness are Shaken whenever exposed to direct UV radiation, including sunlight and certain artificial sun lamps. This is only appropriate in a modern setting.
  10.   Sunlight Demise:   [Requires Sunlight Aversion] A vampire with this weakness exposed to direct sunlight (or UV, with the UV aversion weakness) for two continuous rounds disintegrates into dust. This weakness requires, and stacks with, Sunlight Aversion. 1d4 rounds after the sunlight is gone, the vampire reforms. If the dust is scattered around, the time can increase - 1d6 minutes if the dust is scattered around a room, 1d6 hours if it's around a small town, and possibly days or months for larger areas.
  11.   Sunlight Destruction: [ Requires Running Water Demise] With this weakness, vampires that disintegrate into dust from Sunlight Demise do not reform. Instead, they are destroyed.

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