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The Five Ability Sores:

The five ability scores are, as follow: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, and Spirit. These five abilities represent your character's basic strengths and weaknesses. Normal human range is between 2 and 4 for each of these. An ability of 3 is always defined as average for a human. A higher score represents natural ability in that area, as well as a knack for learning skills and techniques. So, a character with a high strength is not merely very strong, but also certain-strength based abilities (such as, say, many sports, wrestling, or fighting) come naturally to him. This is represented by gaining additional skill points (see Chapter 2: Skills for more information) in skills governed by that ability score. Ability scores increase and decrease exponentially, so strength 4 is significantly more than twice as strong as strength 2, even though the number is only double. An ability increase of +3 roughly corresponds to being four times as talented in that area.

Starting Ability Scores

At character creation, you have fifteen ability points to place in the five abilities. They must be between 2 and 4 before racial and other modifiers. This is your “base” ability in each of the five categories, and is used to determine how many skill points you receive every level.

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