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Skill Rate: Staggered

Uses: Wrestling enemies, throwing them, disarming them, etc.

Size Modifier: Add your scale to your wrestle modifier

Strength Modifier: For every three points of strength you have over 3, you add +1 to your wrestle modifier. So, you get +1 at strength 6, +2 at strength 9, etc..
Hold : Make an opposed Wrestle Check against an enemy in reach as a 4SA. If you succeed, you prevent the target from moving, casting spells which require a free hand, or attacking until your next turn. This requires at least one free hand, which is used to hold the creature. You can carry a held character and move with him, but (probably) the added weight will slow you down. See the Encumbrance rules for more information. Held characters can't make block or parry defence rolls, but can dodge with a -1 penalty. Less common defence rolls can be made or not made with GM discretion, unless otherwise specified.

Force Feed: As a 2SA, you can make an opposed Wrestle check against a Held foe. If you succeed, the target ingests whatever food/poison/potion or similar is in your hand.


Combo Components:

  1.   Grab : [Attack Combo +1] You can try to use Hold on someone as a part of this combo. You may add this component multiple times, each time making another Hold attempt. Normally, grabbing a target takes a 4SA.
  2.   Throw [Attack Combo +1, Requires Grab ]: You can toss a held opponent. You can throw the character one square of your scale per point of Strength you have. So, a human with strength 4 can throw someone up to 4m away. If they collide with a hard surface (such as a wall or another person), they take 1d6 + your strength score in bludgeoning damage. If the surface is particularly hazardous, the GM may add circumstantial damage using the falling damage chart as a guideline. If you throw them off an edge or something similar, they may take falling damage as well. You can try to throw an enemy at another one. Thrown targets land prone unless they succeed on a DC 8 acrobatics check. You may add the Throw component multiple times, each time throwing an additional Held creature. Targets that are thrown are obviously no longer considered held by you. If you throw your target through another character‚s occupied space, they might collide. Both characters can make a defence roll (generally speaking, parry and block would be impossible in this situation) with a DC equal to 4 + your Wrestle modifier. Both characters take 1d4 + your strength score of damage in the event of a collision.
  3.   Curbstomp: [Attack Combo +2, Requires Grab ] You can try to bash a Held opponent into the floor (if he is prone) or a wall or enemy (or similar object or creature) within your natural reach (if there is one). If you try to bash him against an inanimate immobile object, you do not need to make an attack roll ƒ so it is strongly recommended that you use a called shot to the head. The target takes 1d6 + your strength in bludgeoning damage. If you try to bash him into a creature, you must make a normal melee attack roll against the second creature as if attacking with a heavy weapon. If you hit , both creatures take 1d6  + your strength score. The creature remains Held after you use this, so you may follow it up with a throw or another use of this component. You may add this component multiple times to a combo, each time against the same or different Held creature.
  4.   Trip [Attack Combo +1] Adds a Trip attempt to the combo. Make an opposed Wrestle check against one target in reach. If you succeed, they are knocked prone. Adding multiple Trips to a combo results in multiple Trip attempts. Trip has a default range of Close, but you may use a weapon's reach if that weapon has the Trip Special. If you successfully trip a rider, he is unhorsed.
  5.   Disarm [Attack Combo +1] Adds a Disarm attempt to the combo. Make an opposed wrestle check with a target in reach. Success means the target drops their weapon. Some weapons allow you to make Disarm attempts with them, in this case use the weapon‚s reach and your Weapon Skill or Wrestle modifier, whichever is higher. This component may be added multiple times to the combo, each time allowing you to make another Disarm attempt. The defender can use his Wrestle modifier or his Weapon Skill modifier, whichever is higher.

Special Throw Options:

For whatever reason, one thing that varies widely between different moods and atmospheres in movies, TV shows, and novels is how effective it is to throw someone across a room. As such, here are some optional rules for differing takes on throws in the Semiautomagic game:

Less Lethal Throws: For more realistic games, throws can be easily de-powered as follows: simply subtract a point of damage for each square the character was thrown before colliding with an obstacle.

More Lethal Throws: Throwing can be a problem because it‚s damage isn‚t based off of weapons or technology, so in a futuristic campaign, a throw is useless against a heavily armoured opponent. This can be remedied either by using the More Detailed Armour special rule found in Appendix C, or by increasing the damage die to a d8 or even d10.

More Realistic Throws: Realistically, unless a person has super strength (which is hardly realistic to begin with) a human can‚t throw a human very far at all. So, you can try decreasing the range to a single square.

These optional throw variants are a visible way to change the tone of your campaign from a more cinematic feel to a gritty, realistic one.

Passive Techniques:

  1.   Pin : Held Targets may not attack or cast spells unless they don't require a free hand.
  2.   Suffocate : You can prevent anyone you are Holding from breathing or speaking (including casting spells with a vocal component or calling for help).

Active Techniques:

  1.   Curse You Treacherous   Dagger : If you succeed in an opposed wrestle check against a target in reach, you may use a weapon he is holding as you were wielding it. You make this check as part of an attack.
  2.   Foothold : [Requires Pin]   If you are standing up and your target is prone, you can use Hold against them using only your feet, leaving both of your hands free.
  3.   Hostile   Cover : You may use anyone Held as Heavy Cover against ranged attacks. See Cover in Chapter 3: Combat for more information.
  4.   One Inch Punch: You may make unarmed attacks while Held, but you must succeed on an opposed Wrestle check made as part of the attack.
  5.   Bloody Wrestler:   [Requires One Inch Punch] You may use light weapons while Held, but you must succeed on an opposed Wrestle check made as part of the attack.

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