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Light Cover: Light cover is any cover that covers approximately ¼ to ½ of the target. Increase the target‚s Target score by +1, and if the creature is hiding behind it, +1 to its visual perception DC to see. Light cover includes low walls, tree branches, etc.

Medium Cover: Medium cover protects around ¾ of the target‚s vital areas. Medium cover adds +2 to the target‚s Target score and, if the creature is hiding behind it, +2 to its visual perception DC to see. Medium cover includes shooting around corners, chest-high walls with parapets, etc.

Heavy Cover: Heavy cover covers around 90% or more of the target, and adds +3 to the target‚s Target score, and if the creature is hiding behind it, +3 to its visual perception DC to see.  Heavy cover also allows the target to dodge as if he had the Evasion technique. Heavy cover includes arrow slits.

Total Cover: Total cover completely blocks the target. You can attempt to attack targets through the cover (see Hitting the Cover, below) but anyone on the other side is treated as being Invisible.

Hitting the Cover: If it is ever important to determine if the cover gets hit (i.e., it is weak, expensive, explosive, or alive) then follow this method: if the attacker missed by less than the bonus the cover provides, he hit the cover but missed the target. If he missed by more than the cover provides, then he missed both the cover and the target. Beating the Toughness on the cover reduces its value by one step (total to heavy to medium to light to no cover) because there are big holes in it. Attacks that defeat the Toughness on the cover continue and can hit the target hiding behind it, who can use the cover‚s Durability score as a defence bonus that does not stack with armour. Wounds to the cover can also hit the target behind, but deal -3 damage. The target behind the cover can still defend normally against attacks, and may count as invisible.

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