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Vehicle Destruction, Damage, and Repairs:

Wound: When a vehicle takes more damage from a single hit, it is dealt a wound. Wounds function identically with vehicles as they do with creatures. To remove a Wound, the vehicle requires repairs.

Dying and Destruction: Vehicle destruction works almost identically to character death. If a vehicle ever takes more than its Toughness in damage from a single hit, it becomes disabled. A dying vehicle must make a DC 4 strength check every round, with a -1 penalty per wound. Success means it gets to make another check next round. For every failed check, the DC increases by 1. If the DC becomes too high for the vehicle to be able to succeed (ex., it has strength 3 and the DC is higher than 9), then the vehicle is destroyed. If a dying vehicle gets wounded while dying, it is destroyed. Every round a vehicle is dying for, roll once on the Calamity chart.

For every wound a vehicle has, roll once on the Calamity chart to see what happens to it when it starts dying. Multiple of the same effect means reroll. If the effect doesn‚t apply, roll again.

A dying vehicle has a 10% (a roll of 10 on a d10) chance to stabilize each round. A stabilized vehicle is still immobile, but is no longer in danger of dying. A successful Repair check from Engineering (which takes 1 4SA) can also stabilize a dying vehicle.

If a vehicle dies, it explodes. Look at the vehicle‚s Reactor to see how big and powerful the explosion is. The default damage is 1d12 + the vehicle‚s base Toughness (6 at scale 0, 9 at scale 1, etc.) from size in Heat and Slashing damage.

Dying vehicles do not regenerate any pp.

Unless it is important, dying NPC vehicles can be ignored except as obstacles.

Destruction in Space: If a vehicle starts dying in space, there are a plethora of dangers to the crew. As soon as a vehicle starts dying, it begins to lose atmosphere. Certain areas may depressurize. Escaping from a wreck can be an adventure in itself.

Piloting a Dying Vehicle: A dying vehicle can still be controlled by a skilled enough pilot. The pilot takes a -3 penalty to pilot and must make a DC 6 check every round in order to move it at all. Failure means that it doesn‚t move (or, in space, it Cruises).

Die Roll




Artificial Gravity Failure

Ship becomes  Zero-G (assuming it's in space)


No Emergency Lights

Ship becomes totally dark


No life support

In about an hour, the ship becomes freezing cold. See the Adventuring chapter



Whenever a new area is entered, there is a 20% chance the room is on fire.


Reactor Failure

One of the ship‚s reactors ceases to function



Internal doors aboard the ship have a 25% chance to be stuck.


Sensor Failure

One of the vehicle‚s sensor systems, chosen at random, is disabled.


Defensive Failure

One of the vehicle‚s defensive systems, chosen at random, is disabled.


Weapons failure

One of the vehicle‚s weapons ceases to function, starting with the heaviest weapon and going down from there. In the case of a draw, randomly decide


Limb Failure

If the vehicle has any limbs, it completely loses any movement in one. This counts as a …kill‚ roll on the called shot table.


Communications failure

The ECO loses use one random communications device


Control loss

The vehicle gains a mobility penalty. If this is rolled multiple times, the effects stack.








reroll twice


reroll three times

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