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Called Shots

A called shot is an attack against the target's head, hands, limbs, feet, stomach, tentacles, etc. Since the target area is smaller, they are harder to hit. See the chart for details „ the "Target Modifier" is what is added (or subtracted) to the creature‚s normal Target score, the "Toughness Adjustment" column refers to how much easier it is to hurt that location, and the "Minimum Toughness" and "Toughness" columns show what happens when you meet or beat the target‚s minimum toughness or regular toughness, respectively.


Target Modifier

Toughness Adjustment:

Minimum Toughness:





Wound, Speed drops by 1 square

Wound, speed decreased by an additional 1 square. Leg cannot be used to make unarmed attacks. If all legs are hurt in this manner, the character can only crawl. Further, the character must make a fortitude check (DC=damage dealt) or fall prone.





Wound, Arm cannot be used to carry objects, weapons, shields, etc. until the wound is healed. This arm cannot be used to make unarmed attacks.




5Fort check (DC=Damage) or drop held item, -1 to attacks made with this hand

Wound, Hand cannot be used to carry objects, weapons, shields, etc. until the wound is healed. Hand cannot be used for unarmed attacks




Wound, Fortitude check (DC=damage) or be Staggered for one round

Target starts Dying

Critical Region (ex. Heart, throat)




Target starts Dying


No Change

No Change


Target starts Dying




creature's flight speed drops by 1 square

Wound, creature cannot fly.

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